ShadowKat Studios


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systemd Socket Activation for Game Server Containers

I play a reasonably wide variety of (mostly sandbox) games; most recently, Starbound. The issue with sandbox games is that they tend to use a lot of memory, and I only have so much to go around. Today I went ahead and sorted out how to start and stop game servers on demand. In theory, this could also be used for any other service that communicates over TCP.

Graphics tablet calibration on Linux

Following on from my previous article about configuring my mildly cursed WP8060U graphics tablet, I finally got around to setting it up for real use on my desktop.

Anonymous webchat with Prosody

Something I’ve felt to be lacking in the XMPP ecosystem is something resembling IRC webchat. No more!

Federated Filter Lists

A potential alternative to the flawed concept of instances blocking other instances.

Terminology is important

At risk of sounding like an old man shouting at clouds, there’s some terminology I’d like to correct a large number of people on:

Feed-specific "browsers" with QuiteRSS

I use RSS a lot. Generally speaking, RSS is my preferred method of consuming news and media. This includes YouTube, which I then play with mpv, though by default that isn’t very convenient.

Service changes

You may have noticed a number of changes since I last posted about services here, but a tl;dr: I’m running Pleroma now, Gitea has been re-done and is running 1.7.0 now, and my XMPP server has a few more services than before.

Elite: Dangerous VR with a Google Cardboard clone

I recently ended up with a Google Cardboard clone - namely, a Samsung GearVR headset. I’m not sure whether the electronics inside are broken or just too snobby to interact with my trusty Moto G3, but either way, it functions like a plain Google Cardboard clone to me. So anyway, as Minetest wouldn’t run happily in side-by-side 3D mode on my phone, I set my sights on heavier VR stuff - namely Elite: Dangerous, the most solid VR game I’ve seen.

Hi from Haiku

I complain about things a lot, so let’s talk about something I actually like, for a change: the Haiku operating system.

Eureka Sketch

I watched Eureka Seven recently, so to get it out of my system I did a quick sketch of Eureka.


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