ShadowKat Studios

Tag: hardware

Vosonic X'S-Drive Pro VP-300

I end up with a lot of weird electronics, and today was no exception: A Vosonic X’S-Drive Pro VP-300 has come into my posession. As to what exactly it is and what you’re meant to use it for, I’m not entirely sure.

Setting up a WP8060U Graphics Tablet on Linux

Linux has wonderful Wacom graphics tablet support. They work almost entirely out of the box with no configuration, unless you want to do extra. However, the one I have is not a Wacom, and is in fact an off-brand one from 15 years ago or so. Setting it up on Linux isn’t as easy. Here’s how, I guess.

Laptops are like kicking dead whales down the beach

Laptops suck. That’s rather hypocritical of me, as I’m writing this on my ThinkPad T420 running Haiku, but at present, you can’t get a laptop that has a good display, is reasonably powerful, has a good keyboard, and doesn’t have an x86 processor.

Hi from Haiku

I complain about things a lot, so let’s talk about something I actually like, for a change: the Haiku operating system.

Elite: Dangerous VR with a Google Cardboard clone

I recently ended up with a Google Cardboard clone - namely, a Samsung GearVR headset. I’m not sure whether the electronics inside are broken or just too snobby to interact with my trusty Moto G3, but either way, it functions like a plain Google Cardboard clone to me. So anyway, as Minetest wouldn’t run happily in side-by-side 3D mode on my phone, I set my sights on heavier VR stuff - namely Elite: Dangerous, the most solid VR game I’ve seen.

Remotely building Cyanogenmod 13

Part 1 of why you should never try to do any form of Android development ever.

Sanely building Cyanogenmod 13

Part 2 of why you should never try to do any form of Android development ever.


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